Cypress Klein Utility District

Through Cypress Klein Utility District’s website you can easily find links to the following services:

Trash Update – January 2025

Trash Collection

  1. On each Wednesday and Saturday, household garbage is collected at the garage door area. The garbage containers must be accessible and visible. Due to liability reasons Best Trash personnel will not go behind any gates to access waste.
  2. Household garbage must be either in containers or bags not exceeding fifty (50) gallons or forty (40) pounds. Best Trash will not be collected from containers exceeding 50 gallons. Household garbage is defined as waste generated inside the house, exclusive of any construction or remodeling debris. Tree, shrub and brush trimmings must be bundled in lengths no greater than four (4) feet and weighing less than forty (40) pounds and branches with a maximum diameter of three (3) inches and placed at the curb.
  3. Waste generated as a result of a hurricane or other inclement weather event will not be collected.
  4. As part of normal collection Best Trash does not pick up dirt, rocks, bricks, concrete or any materials or items deemed hazardous materials or waste generated by a private contractor or by home renovation/construction projects.
  5. Bulky waste will be picked up either scheduled day and must be located at the curb. Refrigerators and freezers must be drained of freon and have a bill to validate such service was performed.
  6. For special collection other than normal amounts of residential refuse, yard trimmings or bulk items, if notified in advance, Best Trash will meet with the resident prior to collection day to negotiate a price. If a resident does not notify Best Trash of such a special pick up, then Best Trash will leave a notice for the resident to contact Best Trash during normal office hours before their next scheduled pick up day.
  7. All permanent trash containers, after being emptied by Best Trash, will be returned to their point of origin.
  8. Best Trash will provide heavy trash/bulk waste collection service on both collection days.


Best Trash provides curbside recycling for the Customer. Current items being collected are all paper products, aluminum and tin cans, plastics 1-7 and all colors of glass. Best Trash provides curbside collection service for the collection of recyclable materials one (1) time per week on Saturday.


  1. Collection of refuse will not start before 7:00 a.m. or continue after 6:00 p.m. on the same day. Exceptions would be due to unusual circumstances.
  2. Holidays: If the scheduled collection day falls on any of the following holidays, the normal service will be resumed the following scheduled collection day. Holidays are: New Year’s Day, Independence Day and Christmas Day.

Notice of EPA Lead Inventory

As required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Cypress-Klein Utility District (the “Water District”) conducted an inventory on it service lines for the presence of lead.

The inventory has been completed. No lead service lines nor galvanized service were detected and no line replacement is required.

Additionally, the Water District has found no evidence of the use of lead service lines (i) in the system records, including distribution system maps and drawings, historical records, meter installation records, inspections and records of the distribution system that indicate the material composition, or (ii) when reading water meters or performing maintenance activities during normal system operations.

NHCRWA Board Votes to Reduce Water Rates Further

At its September 16, 2024, Board Meeting, the Board of Directors of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) voted to reduce water rates. The Board reduced surface water rates from $4.05 to $3.05 per 1,000 gallons and groundwater pumpage fees from $3.60 to $2.60 per 1,000 gallons. These rate cuts, complementing the first two cuts of $0.50 each in 2023, will go into effect October 1st.

These fees generally show up on MUD district water bills as simply “NHCRWA”, “NHCRWA fees”, or something similar.

Board President and Director Melissa Rowell said, “We are happy to announce that the Board has voted for a $1.00 reduction in water rates, marking our third rate decrease since the new board members were elected in 2022. This continued effort reflects our commitment to providing value and relief to our rate payers.”

Director Mark Ramsey, an advocate for lower rates added, “I am grateful for the hard work of the board and the staff in identifying ways to reduce water rates. We continue to provide abundant high-quality surface water complementing the even more abundant high-quality groundwater beneath our feet. The board continues to work toward other long-term solutions for North Harris County residents and businesses.”

The motion was made by Director David Barker, a longtime advocate of a $1.00 or more rate reduction.

A printable version of this notice is available here: NHCRWA-9-16-24-Rate-Reduction.pdf.